In 2019, Opus Mirabile, the prestigious recognition of the Committee on Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was awarded to the catalogue of the exhibition Szerb székesegyház a Tabánban – Az eltűnt Rácváros emlékezete [The Serbian Cathedral of Tabán: Memory of the Erstwhile Town of the Rascians]. The eponymous exhibition was enabled by the cooperation of three museum institutions: Budapest History Museum, the Gallery of Matica Srpska and the Serbian Church Museum of Szentendre. The exhibition was organised between the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 and it was in the forefront of public attention on account of positive criticism as well. Owing to the pandemic situation, the Committee of the Academy held no sessions during the year 2020. Thus, the recognition Opus Mirabile for the year 2019 was awarded only at the Committee’s last session.